
Editorial opportunity guidelines

March 23, 2006
The editorial policy of CONTROL DESIGN and Industrial Networking magazines is to not accept vendor by-lined articles, but there are ample opportunities for suppliers to participate editorially. Click on a link below to view a summary of some of these opportunities beyond our standard supplier and industrial machine OEM interview process for feature articles.

CONTROL DESIGN is the only industrial automation magazine dedicated to the automation information needs of industrial machine builders, those original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) that build the machines that make industry work.


From wirless Ethernet to process buses to device networks, Industrial Networking examines how OEMs, discrete manufacturers, and process plants design and implement networked systems in manufacturing.



Editorial Staff:

Joe Feeley, Editor in Chief Jim Montague, Executive Editor Rick Pedraza, Digital Managing Editor Dan Hebert, PE, Senior Technical Editor Walt Boyes, Senior Technical Editor Lori Goldberg, Editorial Assistant Jeremy Pollard, Columnist

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