
OEM Insight

June 10, 2006
OEM Insight provides a forum for industrial machine builders and system integrators to exchange ideas, best practices, or simply start a conversation about relevant machine automation, instrumentation and controls issues.
Have a story to tell? Well then, let's collaborate on the OEM Insight guest column that's available to any machine builder or systems integrator to write. If you'd like one of our editors to contact you, CLICK HERE.


Always call for backup of PLC software programs
This installment of OEM Insight warns astute customers about the dangers of losing PLC software programs, and how important it is to backup your PC programs while they are still alive in the processor.

Machine safety switches aren’t no-brainers
A little OEM Insight shows that by following proven safety guidelines and performing risk assessments, engineers can identify the machine hazards, analyze the consequences, and design accordingly.

Don’t let the brain become a gray matter
Because code visibility is low, it can be tempting for a controls programmer to cut corners, especially when there’s a deadline. Yet this is one of the biggest mistakes a programmer can make. Read why.

Yesterday's tools, today's challenges
A little OEM Insight shows us that when new control systems are installed with the help of the machine builder, the latest proven control methods and strategies can revitalize performance.

Need dictates control platform choice
History and a little OEM Insight shows that when hardware solutions based on proprietary firmware become obsolete, the cost of replacing them creates serious sticker shock.

Beware corporate safety standards
Machine builders are often put in a tough situation by a dictated standard because they also must assume partial liability for something they didn’t engineer.

The perils of shipping too soon
You better think twice before shipping a machine to a customer site before working out all the bugs it might encounter when it gets into a real production environment.

Building partnerships promotes profitability
OEM Insight guest columnist Alan Metelsky, leader of the controls engineering group at Gleason Works, says there are better and more profitable ways to form relationships with your suppliers.

Automate, innovate and have success
In this month’s edition of OEM Insight, a vision-guided robotics integrator believes innovation is motivated by the current business climate and is fostered positively by technical factors, and negatively by competitive pressures.

A need for new listening skills
This edition of OEM Insight finds that although most of today's project decision makers are talented and hard-working, they don't necessarily understand many of the methods engineers take for granted.

Standards aren't the end-all
Manufacuring cell controls designer Jason Christopher counsels colleagues to look beyond standards for the sake of your customers and your company in this edition of OEM Insight.
Time for a new level of industrial standardization
If the boss really wants to justify product development costs, then perhaps introducing product enhancements to meet industry standards can be justified. The key: someone has to care enough to make a change. A little OEM Insight says you should upgrade your knowledge of international standards.

Customer-driven machine design
For this system builder, studying its customers' true business issues helped create better machine design.

It's all about insight
In today's extended economic downturn, financial pressures are at the forefront of every company's thoughts.

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