Congress to Spur a Greater U.S. Manufacturing Comeback?

Dec. 18, 2013
Star Tribune Sheds Light on What Needs to Be Done to Push Congress to Do More for U.S. Manufacturing

With factories beginning to hire again, exports growing and production returning to the States, U.S. manufacturing appears to be making a recovery. Since the Great Recession ended, nearly 554,000 jobs have returned to the manufacturing sector, according to a study from Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. and the Congressional Joint Economic Committee. With the manufacturing sector accounting for 12% of U.S. domestic products and employing 12 million nationwide, Dee Depass, Star Tribune, sheds light on what Klobuchar and the rest of the committee are doing to push Congress to do more for an even greater comeback in U.S. manufacturing. 

Read the full article on Star Tribune.

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