The 'Connected Factory': From Talk to Reality

Nov. 22, 2013
Learn How to Ensure Your Facilities Produce Information That Can Be Accessed, Monitored and Controlled From Anywhere

According to European Commission's recent "Big Data" report, the more than 10 billion networked devices currently communicating over the Internet is expected to increased to 50 billion by 2050. Mobile device diversity and management, mobile apps for business, the Internet of Everything and adoption of smart machines are all trends impacting the development of the "Connected Factory." What used to be common talk about humans and devices working along side one another on the factory floor has not become reality. While there are many benefits of the "Connected Factory," Mike Granby, Red Lion Controls, says global manufacturers also have unrealistic expectations. In this article, Granby discusses the fundamentals of a successful "Connected Factory." Learn how to ensure your facilities produce information that can be accessed, monitored and controlled from anywhere. 

Read the full article on Automation World.

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