Next-generation, intelligent networked devices

Jan. 22, 2014
SMARC Combined With ARM SoCs Enables a New Class of Networked Devices to Be Developed

As networking in automation increases, the desire for next-generation, intelligent, decentralized networked devices is growing at an equal pace. Industry 4.0, machine-to-machine (M2M), cloud services or control concepts with computer-aided extensions need to be featured in every embedded computing hardware for more intelligent, seamless and faster productions processes.

In this article from Control Engineering — Europe, Martin Unverdorben, product manager for Computer-on-Modules at Kontron, discusses how Smart Mobility ARChitecture (SMARC) combined with ARM System on Chip (SoCs) is now enabling a new class of networked devices to be developed efficiently.

→ Read the full article on Control Engineering — Europe.

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