
Go back to basics with HMI design

May 14, 2015
Dave Strobhar, one of the founders of the Center for Operator Performance, thinks a lot of people may have it backward when it comes to HMI design.

Dave Strobhar, one of the founders of the Center for Operator Performance, thinks a lot of people may have it backward when it comes to HMI design.

"Having been in a number of plants lately and attending a variety of conferences, I've heard a lot of discussions on what people think is important in the design of operator display," says Strobar. "But I think a lot of people might have it backward. What they think is important, really isn't that important. And things they are not even considering are critical when creating an effective HMI."

So what's critical, what are we missing and what are we spending too much time focusing on?

In this free, on-demand presentation, Strobhar discusses just that.

Throughout the presentation, he takes you through the fundamentals of HMI design and answers commonly asked questions on content, layout and formatting, color coding, symbols and shapes and the importance of each factor for the machine designer.

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