
Nerds Are the New Athletes

Aug. 1, 2012

nerdTalented young individuals at the college level are being recruited by big technology firms to join the workforce, not once they graduate, but immediately. Corporations visit college campuses, tempting young computer geniuses to join the workforce with six-figure salaries. The federal government needs to invest in STEM education early in the educational process of children because keeping a skilled, competitive labor force in the U.S. is necessary in the future economy.

Talented young individuals at the college level are being recruited by big technology firms to join the workforce, not once they graduate, but immediately. Corporations visit college campuses, tempting young computer geniuses to join the workforce with six-figure salaries. The federal government needs to invest in STEM education early in the educational process of children because keeping a skilled, competitive labor force in the U.S. is necessary in the future economy.

What can you do to help motivate children to go into STEM careers? What should government and educational institutions do to make this happen? Read Derek Olson's opinion column "STEM Education Is Vital" at to find out his suggestions on how to attract more children into STEM careers.

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