
Transformative potential of open-source technologies in driving innovation

Feb. 20, 2024
Open-source software offers security benefits and flexibility in integrating third-party applications for enhanced controller functionality

Ken Crawford, senior director of automation at Weidmüller USA, discusses the evolution of open system use in industrial automation and how Weidmüller is addressing it across various technologies in a recent interview with Automation World.

Crawford highlights the importance of open-source software in mitigating security risks, emphasizing the vast developer community and rapid patching capabilities. He explains how Weidmüller's engagement with open-source communities ensures the security and flexibility of their solutions, enabling the integration of third-party applications for enhanced controller functionality.

Additionally, Crawford discusses the benefits of u-OS for OEMs, such as simplified platforms, reduced costs, and enhanced connectivity for Industry 4.0 benefits, including fleet management and remote monitoring.

For controls engineers building machinery for factories or plants, this interview provides valuable insights into the advantages and challenges of incorporating open-source technologies like u-OS in industrial automation. Crawford's explanation of Weidmüller's approach to addressing security risks and facilitating easy adoption of open systems technology underscores the practical considerations for engineers working in the field.

Moreover, his discussion on the business-side benefits for OEMs, such as reduced BOM costs and simplified platforms, provides valuable insights for engineers involved in designing and implementing automation solutions for industrial applications.

To learn more about Weidmüller and how it’s addressing open system use in industrial automation, read this interview with Automation World.

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