
Resolutions So Far

Feb. 1, 2012
Do You Plan to Improve Your Efficiency Plans This Year?
About the Author
Katherine Bonfante is senior digital editor for Control and ControlDesign. You can email her at [email protected] or check out her Google+ profile.If you read my December '11 column ("A New Resolution"), you know that for 2012 I resolved to improve my cybersecurity, sustainability and efficiency knowledge. I have kept up with some of my resolutions. I still have 10 more months to accomplish the rest.

In 2012, I've become more efficient. Every day I type up my daily To-Do list and I try to accomplish everything I list there. My To-Do list consists of personal and professional goals such as posting daily news and products on, motivating my coworkers (Jim gets cookies, though he says he'll work for peanuts) to post Machine Builder Forum (MBF) entries, and running my daily three miles.

New White Papers

Create Error-Free Inter-Carriage Connections
Learn to provide both high bandwidth and security, and remove the need to configure the access point (AP) upon carriage reformation.

The Truth About Energy-Efficient Motors
This paper delves into the confusing area of motor efficiency and how it relates to saving energy.

Condition Monitoring: Order Analysis Overview
Stop unscheduled outages, optimize machine performance, and reduce both repair time and maintenance costs.

Special to the Web

2012 Product Research and Buying Habits Study
How do machine builders choose and buy automation/controls?

Which of These Will Change Your Game?
Which concepts would you like to learn more about in the coming months?

Can You Teach Innovation?
What do you do to keep innovation alive in your machine design?

I've also become more sustainable with my efficiency plan; not printing that To-Do list, but instead tracking it digitally. My lunches are packed in reusable containers; there are no more paper or Styrofoam cups for my coffee; and if the Chicago winter weather permits, I run my three miles outside, consuming less electricity at home or at the gym and minimizing my carbon footprint.

I'm off to a great start, but I wonder if you set up similar resolutions for this year, and if you are succeeding as well. Do you plan to improve your efficiency plans this year? Do you have green goals to accomplish? Stop by our forum and let me know (

However, if you need some evidence about how to be more efficient as a machine builder, or how to put green standards into practice, check out some of our articles and get a head start on your 2012 green and better efficiency path.

Do you know the best way to choose the most suitable motor technology? A close look at your machine, its modes of operation and dynamic performances might help you find the answer. In the white paper "Energy Efficiency for Machines: The Smart Choice for Motorization," Schneider Electric gives engineers efficient, economic and competitive solutions to help them select efficient industrial motors. Read this white paper and learn how using synchronous motors with higher dynamic performances can generate at least 20% energy savings.

Learn the difference between active and passive energy efficiency, and why companies need to adopt active energy efficiency as the standard to meet greenhouse gas emission goals set within the Kyoto Protocol. Read "Making Permanent Savings Through Active Energy Efficiency" to learn this and much more.

Lastly, if you want to learn ways to improve energy efficiency of belt and roller conveyors, you must read "Optimizing Energy Efficiency of Conveyors." Don't be the last one to read about smart solutions that can result in significant savings on a conveying line.

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