Machine Safety Risk Assessment

May 13, 2013
Software and Online Tools to Help You Better Understand EN ISO 13849-1's Calculations
About the Author

Jim Montague is the executive editor for Control. Email him at [email protected].

The first steps in improving machine safety and gaining its performance benefits begin with conducting a risk assessment (RA), and the most up-to-date standard that shows how is EN ISO 13849-1. This process and related calculations are described in ABB Jokab Safety's "Safety in Control Systems According to EN ISO 13849-1."

SEE ALSO: Buckle Up With Built in Safety

While understanding EN ISO 13849-1's calculations isn't too hard, there are software and online tools that can help. The freely downloadable Sistema software utility provides developers and testers of safety-related machine controls with comprehensive support in evaluating safety in the context of ISO 13849-1. It's available from the German Social Accident Insurance organization's Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

About the Author

Jim Montague | Executive Editor, Control

Jim Montague is executive editor of Control. He can be contacted at [email protected].

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