Accident Prone

July 9, 2013

From sibling Sustainable Plant's website, an informative piece about identifying the characteristics of 'accident prone' employees, and how to get their minds' 'right' before they hurt themselves and/or those around them.

From sibling Sustainable Plant's website, an informative piece about identifying the characteristics of 'accident prone' employees, and how to get their minds' 'right' before they hurt themselves and/or those around them.

A company calling itself "TalentClick developed a 'safety quotient' assessment and tested it in multiple companies on existing workers and supervisors with established safety records (see summary in sidebar). 'We collected incident data and did assessments of workers to compare how people scored with the actual results – injury data and types of incidents.' "

Among the highlights: workers who score higher in impulsiveness – acting without thinking – have a five times higher incident rate. The crews of supervisors who score higher on irritability and resistance to rules have a 2.3 times higher incident rate.

Read the entire article here......right after you vote in this year's Readers' Choice Award balloting!

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