Innovation That Lives Up to the Word

Oct. 12, 2010

After doing a bit more snooping around to try to confirm the freshness of the joint project between MAS-IAS; Creare, the cryogenics experts; and the U.S. Navy, to build a titantium machining center that doesn't use tool coolant [that's what I said, it doesn't use coolant], and doubles the rate of titanium cutting [ that's in 2x ] and increases ridiculously tool life, I'm still thinking this is an important industrial innovation that actually lives up to the word.

Don't know what I'm talking about?

After doing a bit more snooping around to try to confirm the freshness of the joint project between MAS-IAS; Creare, the cryogenics experts; and the U.S. Navy, to build a titantium machining center that doesn't use tool coolant [that's what I said, it doesn't use coolant], and doubles the rate of titanium cutting [ that's in 2x ] and increases ridiculously tool life, I'm still thinking this is an important industrial innovation that actually lives up to the word.

Don't know what I'm talking about?




If you disagree, I'd really like to know why.

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