
Learn About New Methods to Weaving Programming Code in Our February 2013 Issue

Feb. 14, 2013

In the beginning, machine and robot builder OEMs developing an automation system had the choice of relay ladder logic for PLCs, and assembly language for single-board computers and minicomputers. Automation hardware and software have come a long way since then, but so have machine and robot applications. In this month's Control Design cover story, Senior Technical Editor Dan Hebert explains how modular code can get you there quicker and more reliably.

In the beginning, machine and robot builder OEMs developing an automation system had the choice of relay ladder logic for PLCs, and assembly language for single-board computers and minicomputers. Automation hardware and software have come a long way since then, but so have machine and robot applications. In this month's Control Design cover story, Senior Technical Editor Dan Hebert explains how modular code can get you there quicker and more reliably. Also in the February issue: Read how an injection-molded closure manufacturer resolved quality issues with machine vision; learn how more efficient hardware components, communication protocols and network software can boost machine performance; and join the debate about robots and their place in manufacturing.

Read the entire issue now.

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