
Our October 2012 Issue Is on the Move

Oct. 12, 2012
October 2012 Control Design IssueEthernet has rolled over the world, and now it's arriving at the last few pockets of resistance, or at least appearing on the horizon. In this month's Control Design cover story, Executive Editor Jim Montague explores the technologies enabling Ethernet to handle increasingly higher-speed motion while staying on the rails. Also in the October issue: See examples of how mechanical motion can provide a simpler, more cost-effective solution;
Ethernet has rolled over the world, and now it's arriving at the last few pockets of resistance, or at least appearing on the horizon. In this month's Control Design cover story, Executive Editor Jim Montague explores the technologies enabling Ethernet to handle increasingly higher-speed motion while staying on the rails. Also in the October issue: See examples of how mechanical motion can provide a simpler, more cost-effective solution; learn more about additive manufacturing, and where it stands on automation; and see how readers have reacted to two different columns written by contributor and control guru Jeremy Pollard.

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