
Read our February 2012 issue

Feb. 8, 2012

Febryary 2012Modular machines and production lines enable quick disconnects and speedy changeovers. In this month's Control Design cover story, Executive Editor Jim Montague talks to machine builders about how they're taking advantage of flexible design approaches to simply system construction and improve operations. Also in the February issue: Discover how an aluminum extruder used smart cameras to prevent machine damage; see how one machine builder simplified its robotics controls to handle chocolates quickly and delicately; and make sure you're caught up on what you need to know about safety standards.

Read our issue now. You can also access it in PDF format.

Modular machines and production lines enable quick disconnects and speedy changeovers. In this month's Control Design cover story, Executive Editor Jim Montague talks to machine builders about how they're taking advantage of flexible design approaches to simply system construction and improve operations. Also in the February issue: Discover how an aluminum extruder used smart cameras to prevent machine damage; see how one machine builder simplified its robotics controls to handle chocolates quickly and delicately; and make sure you're caught up on what you need to know about safety standards.

Read our issue now. You can also access it in PDF format.

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