
Read the August 2011 Digital Magazine Edition

Aug. 16, 2011

August 2011 EditionAs you consider news markets you might enter into, consider the advice from other global machine builders in this month's Control Design cover story from Executive Editor Jim Montague. He explains how doing your research, finding good partner and balancing difficult decisions can bring you huge rewards. Also in the August issue: See how secure VPN tunneling helped one machine builder provide robust technical support, read more about the cloud to find out if it's safe enough for you control applicants; and consider whether those old mechanical relays are still the right answer.

As you consider news markets you might enter into, consider the advice from other global machine builders in this month's Control Design cover story from Executive Editor Jim Montague. He explains how doing your research, finding good partner and balancing difficult decisions can bring you huge rewards. Also in the August issue: See how secure VPN tunneling helped one machine builder provide robust technical support, read more about the cloud to find out if it's safe enough for you control applicants; and consider whether those old mechanical relays are still the right answer.

Check out the full digital edition.

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