Readers' Choice Awards 2011

June 17, 2011
Be the lucky participant to receive our grand prize, an iPad. As a machine controls professional and subscriber to Control Design, your collective experience and evaluation of the product value offered by the technology providers in this industry is invaluable. Check your email account for the invitation to participate in our Readers’ Choice Award voting ballot. Complete as much of the survey as your experience allows.
Be the lucky participant to receive our grand prize, an iPad. As a machine controls professional and subscriber to Control Design, your collective experience and evaluation of the product value offered by the technology providers in this industry is invaluable. Check your email account for the invitation to participate in our Readers’ Choice Award voting ballot. Complete as much of the survey as your experience allows. Vendors aren't eligible to vote, but if you're a machine builder or system integrator and you didn't receive your invitation, contact Editor in Chief Joe Feeley.

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