Manufacturers everywhere are under pressure to automate and organize operations for maximum cost and energy efficiency, cut downtime and more. How are they doing it? Many are taking the plunge and investing in new machines and technologies with intelligent, smart capabilities. They are equipping processes with the latest smart machines.
Among other things, smart manufacturing brings together cloud technologies with real-time manufacturing data and operational requirements. But that's scratching the surface. We've compiled some of our detailed case studies, columns and more in this list to help you delve in the details of smart machines.
Smart, connected machines and systems
The next-generation manufacturing environment will require data from all machines, suppliers and manufacturers to be integrated into a context that allows decisions to be made that optimize the value chain. This starts with data accuracy. We need to be able to trust all of the data we have, so that we can act on it. Can we? Read more.
OEMs focus on building smarter machines
How OEMs are leveraging the wealth of information that's available on machines today to build competitive advantage or reduce costs. Read more.
How remote monitoring creates new business models for machine builders
What if you could check on the machines you've built? Read more.
Global Manufacturing Trends: Staying ahead of the curve with smart machines
Savvy enterprises across the globe are building new factories and equipping them with the latest smart machines to improve production lines and enhance fuel and electric capacity. It is vitally important that the U.S. take advantage of this global trend. Read more.
Real Answers: Should we make a smart upgrade?
What are the challenges and benefits of upgrading plastics processing machines instruments from 4-20 mA to smart instruments with digital communications? Control Design readers offer their opinions. Read more.