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Infographic: Ranked Importance of Operating Characteristics for Embedded or Industrial PC

Nov. 22, 2013
90.7% of Survey Respondents Rank Harsh/Dirty Environment Capability as 'Important' or 'Very Important'

An electronic survey of Control Design readers was conducted in April 2013 in order to identify usage and application trends of HMI & industrial PCs among the industrial machine builders that comprise Control Design's readership.

In terms of importance of these operating characteristics, respondents ranked the aspects as follows:

1. Harsh/dirty environment capability (90.7% ranked as "important" or "very important")

2. Shock/vibration tolerant (84.2% ranked as "important "or "very important")

3. Enhanced operator temperature range (81.6% ranked as "important" or "very important")

Read all results from the survey.

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