We're Hiring…Robots!

Oct. 1, 2013
Modern Machine Shop Explains How Stabiltec Sees Unexpected Advantages of Automation

The sign "Now Hiring CNC Machinist" will remain outside of oil and gas machine tool manufacturer Stabiltec's factory as long as the business continues to see strong growth. This seems a bit contradicting, doesn't it? Faced with the challenge to fill all of its skilled manufacturing positions, Stabiltec invested in a robot to keep its machine tools fed. But due to the unexpected advantages robot automation has brought the company's business activity, co-owner Keith Boutte, said the plant intends on purchasing another robot! In this article, Peter Zelinski, senior editor for Modern Machine Shop, discusses the benefits Stabiltec has received by making the move to automation and how the unexpected investment has proved profitable.

Read the full article at Modern Machine Shop.

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