Next-Generation MEMS Devices

July 19, 2013
STMicroelectronics Gears Up For Big Innovations

Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) designers are continuously studying new innovations to keep up with next-generation technology looming in the future. With new processes, packaging, assembly, test, and hardware and software designs being built to keep up with the demand of applications across many disciplines, it is more crucial then ever for designers to focus on new developments. In this article, Roger Allan, executive editor for Electronic Design, highlights what manufacturer of semiconductors STMicroelectronics is doing to prepare for the next generation of MEMS technology with its 30-month, $36 million LabMEMS project that seeks to augment MEMS wafer fabrication with magnetic and piezoelectric materials, as well as 3D packaging.

Read the full article on Electronic Design.

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