DVI Endorses OMAC Guidelines

Aug. 1, 2007
DVI announced the endorsement of the OMAC Guidelines by the DVI Automation Circle. This increases recognition of the OMAC Guidelines with European end-users and OEMs.

DVI, the German Packaging Institute, announced the endorsement of the OMAC Guidelines by the DVI Automation Circle to its German members, OEM machine builders and packaging equipment users. This increases recognition of the OMAC Guidelines with European end-users and OEMs.

The guidelines are designed to enhance industrial automation in the packaging industry, including converting and packaging. The results should enable end-users to reduce overall costs and enhance responsiveness to changing business requirements.

“Our customers want the interoperability and seamless integration of the factory floor that the OMAC Guidelines promote,” says Thomas Reiner, director of the DVI board. “The guidelines are meeting the industry’s needs by increasing compatibility and interoperability. We’re eager to team with OMAC to make the Guidelines the most widely used packaging standard available.”

OMAC works to derive solutions for open modular architecture control (OMAC) technologies.

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