
CONTROL DESIGN named to Top 10 in 2005 by ASBPE

May 19, 2005
CONTROL DESIGN magazine has been named one of the 10 Best Trade Magazines in the U.S. by the American Society of Business Publication Editors, in ASBPE's 2005 Magazine of the Year competition.
THE AMERICAN SOCIETY of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) has named CONTROL DESIGN magazine one of the Top 10 Best Trade Magazines in the U.S. for 2005. “ASBPE’s Top 10 list, an outgrowth of our Magazine of the Year competition, recognizes the hard work and commitment of business and professional publications,” said Tina Barbaccia, ASBPE 2005 Competition Chair. “Each year we evaluate a large number of very fine magazines. Such an award is a most prestigious acknowledgement that your work meets high standards of excellence and is at the top of your profession.”Judging is based on five criteria: quality of writing, reporting and editing; value and usefulness to the reader; editorial organization; interaction with readers; and layout and design. “Our five Magazine of the Year judges are not journalism celebrities,” continued Barbaccia. “They are ‘in the trenches’ editors—your peers—so this is a well-deserved honor.”CONTROL DESIGN was recognized as a Top 10 magazine in the under 80,000 circulation division at the ASBPE National Awards ceremony held June 21st in Cleveland.To view the Top 10 Best Trade Magazines in the U.S., click here.


Under 80,000 circulation  80,000 or over circulation 
Chain Leader eWEEK
CIO Insight Federal Computer Week
CMO IEEE Spectrum
Corporate Counsel Medical Economics
CSO Magazine Network Computing
Government Technology's Public CIO Network World
HealthLeaders Realtor Magazine
QSR Remodeling
Residential Architecture   Restaurants & Institutions

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