Automobiles of Tomorrow: Let the Judging Begin!

Feb. 25, 2014

Valeo Innovation Challenge experts and independent scientists have begun reviewing the projects of 1,412 students from around the world.

Valeo Innovation Challenge experts and independent scientists have begun reviewing projects of 1,412 students from around the world.

The challenge invites students to imagine equipment that, between now and 2030, will make cars more intelligent and intuitive.

A total of 969 teams of engineering students from 55 countries, representing 455 universities have entered to win a first prize of €100,000. Second- and third-place teams will receive €10,000.

On April 15, Valeo will grant 20 slected teams with €5,000 to create a functioning prototype of their project. The six most innovative projects will be chosen on Sept. 16. Winning teams with be invited to Paris the following month to present their projects to Jacques Aschenbroich, chief executive officer of Valeo, and a jury comprised of members of the senior management team and prestigious figures from the worlds of science and design.

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