Recognizing Those Who Inspire Next-Generation Engineers

Jan. 30, 2014

In this article, Hunter Vegas, a contributor to sister publication Control Global's Control Talk blog talks with Greg McMillan and Stan Weiner about the initiatives he has taken through the course of his career to inspire students at an early age to become engineers.

Greg McMillan and Stan Weiner are known for bringing their wits and more than 80 years of process control experience to the industry. In the January 2014 issue of sister publication Control Global, McMillan, Weiner and Hunter Vegas, a contributor to Control Global's Control Talk blog, discuss different ways our young generations have been inspired to join the automation industry. In this article, Hunter talks with McMillan and Weiner about the initiatives he has taken through the course of his career to inspire students at an early age to become engineers.

We want to know what you are doing to spark interest in your child or student at a young age. Big or small – it doesn’t matter. We want to recognize those efforts here!

Read the full article on Control Global.

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