The Unknown World of Digital Panel Meters

Aug. 12, 2013

One of our readers need your help solving a problem they are having. They write: "We need better accuracy now, so we're changing to digital panel meters from our trusted analog panel meters."


One of our readers need your help solving a problem they are having:

"We need better accuracy now, so we're changing to digital panel meters from our trusted analog panel meters. As we view options, it looks like we could really reduce the number of different meters we buy by using higher-end, digital panel meters that offer optional expansion cards with a lot of extra functions, maybe to the point of needing fewer controllers. But it puts us in expertise and cost areas where we haven't been before. Anyone care to share experiences about this possibility?"

SEND US YOUR COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS OR SOLUTIONS FOR THIS PROBLEM. We'll include it in the October'13 issue, and post it at Send visuals if you'd like — a sketch is fine. E-mail us at [email protected]. Please include your company, location and title in the response.

Have a problem you'd like to pose to the readers? Send it along, too.

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