Machine-Mount Wireless Controllers and I/O Combo

Feb. 8, 2013

We build most of our machines by combining modules, so machine-mount controllers and I/O have been particularly effective because they allow us to test each module separately. But the cost and time required to wire the modules together at our customers’ sites is a concern, and we’re wondering if wireless is the right solution. Can anyone relate their experiences with machine-mount wireless controllers and I/O?

We build most of our machines by combining modules, so machine-mount controllers and I/O have been particularly effective because they allow us to test each module separately. But the cost and time required to wire the modules together at our customers’ sites is a concern, and we’re wondering if wireless is the right solution. Can anyone relate their experiences with machine-mount wireless controllers and I/O?

Send us your comments, suggestions or solutions for this problem. We'll include it in the April 2013 issue, and post it on Send visuals if you'd like — a sketch is fine. Email us at [email protected]. Please include your company, location and title in the response.

Have a problem you'd like to pose to the readers? Send it along, too.

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