
Our August 2012 Issue. Here, There, Everywhere

Aug. 23, 2012

August 2012 Magazine CoverJust as machine builders know their own strengths and the needs of long-time customers, they must become equally familiar with the requirements, business practices and standards of potential users in new countries. In this month's Control Design cover story, Executive Editor Jim Montague explains how to capture the rewards that might be just outside your comfort zone. Also in the August issue: See how a servo-controlled motion solution offers faster scanning and more capabilities for an ultrasonic testing manufacturer; learn what's new in relays and how they're positioned to recapture some attention; and revisit an article from 2001 that shows us just how far we've come in our thinking about whether control and safety actually could, should or would share a network wire.

Just as machine builders know their own strengths and the needs of long-time customers, they must become equally familiar with the requirements, business practices and standards of potential users in new countries. In this month's Control Design cover story, Executive Editor Jim Montague explains how to capture the rewards that might be just outside your comfort zone. Also in the August issue: See how a servo-controlled motion solution offers faster scanning and more capabilities for an ultrasonic testing manufacturer; learn what's new in relays and how they're positioned to recapture some attention; and revisit an article from 2001 that shows us just how far we've come in our thinking about whether control and safety actually could, should or would share a network wire.

Read the entire August issue now.

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