Looks Like We Better Win the Talent Race

April 24, 2012

A press release from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL):

Global Skills Gap Leaves 10 Million Manufacturing Positions Unfilled

A press release from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL):

Global Skills Gap Leaves 10 Million Manufacturing Positions Unfilled

New York, 24 April 2012- The future of global manufacturing is turning into a competition for global talent according to a new report, The Future of Manufacturing: Opportunities to Drive Economic Growth, released today by the World Economic Forum (the Forum) in collaboration with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL). The report estimates that 10 million manufacturing jobs worldwide cannot currently be filled due to a growing skills gap. This shortage is pervasive despite the high unemployment rate in many developed economies where companies are struggling to fill manufacturing jobs, such as highly trained workers and engineers. At the same time, emerging economies cannot fuel their growth without more workers in the skilled production category. "In the race to future prosperity, nothing will matter more than talent," says Craig Giffi, Vice Chairman and Consumer & Industrial Products Industry Leader at Deloitte LLP in the United States, who helped author the report. "The skills gap that exists today will not likely close in the near future, which means companies and countries that can attract, develop and retain the highest skilled talent-from scientists, researchers and engineers to technicians and skilled production workers-will come out on top."

You can read the 84-page report here or on the DTTL web site.

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