
April 2012 Magazine Issue Is Ready for Viewing

April 16, 2012

April 2012 CoverThere's no reason to consider going green as a gamble. As you'll see from this month's Control Design cover story, developing sustainable machines and production lines can improve your bottom line. Executive Editor Jim Montague explains how you can't lose. Also in the April issue: Flashback to 1999 to read a timeless explanation of accuracy definitions and measurements, as part of our 15th anniversary celebration; discover how to bring I/O outside of their former enclosures; and learn what one machine builder is doing to ensure its future generation of engineers through a cooperative education program.

There's no reason to consider going green as a gamble. As you'll see from this month's Control Design cover story, developing sustainable machines and production lines can improve your bottom line. Executive Editor Jim Montague explains how you can't lose. Also in the April issue: Flashback to 1999 to read a timeless explanation of accuracy definitions and measurements, as part of our 15th anniversary celebration; discover how to bring I/O outside of their former enclosures; and learn what one machine builder is doing to ensure its future generation of engineers through a cooperative education program.

View the full digital issue in flash or download the pdf.

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