
Read our March 2012 issue

March 19, 2012
Studying the trends over a span of years, it's clear to see that it's a rather leisurely amble toward greater levels of change in product research and buying habits. In this month's Control Design cover story, Editor in Chief Joe Feeley analyzes this year's survey results, breaking down research and buying trends, including adoption of methods such as social media and other Internet-based options. Also in the March issue: Learn how your responsibilities are growing when it comes to keeping your customers safe from electrical hazards like arc flash; get caught up with the latest trends in programmable control; and help us celebrate our 15th anniversary with a trip back to 1999 to read Jeremy Pollard's first column in Control Design.
Studying the trends over a span of years, it's clear to see that it's a rather leisurely amble toward greater levels of change in product research and buying habits. In this month's Control Design cover story, Editor in Chief Joe Feeley analyzes this year's survey results, breaking down research and buying trends, including adoption of methods such as social media and other Internet-based options. Also in the March issue: Learn how your responsibilities are growing when it comes to keeping your customers safe from electrical hazards like arc flash; get caught up with the latest trends in programmable control; and help us celebrate our 15th anniversary with a trip back to 1999 to read Jeremy Pollard's first column in Control Design.

Read our issue now. You can also access it in PDF format.

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