STEM to the Core: This Means You

Feb. 15, 2012

Though Control Design is focused primarily on the controls and automation technology within the machines that you build, we of course look from time to time at the broader issues affecting how you do your job, including logistics, collaboration and society’s ability to educate and interest the innovative machine builders and control engineers who will follow in your footsteps.

On that last point, readers of both our print and online version have shown that they are passionate—concerned about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, and excited about building new opportunities for the next generation.

We share your concern and enthusiasm, and so have created this newest forum for devoted to discussion of STEM issues: "STEM to the Core." In this space, we will share what we hear from the industry about the latest initiatives in STEM education and workforce development, and we'll give our perspective on what they mean for the industry.

Though Control Design is focused primarily on the controls and automation technology within the machines that you build, we of course look from time to time at the broader issues affecting how you do your job, including logistics, collaboration and society’s ability to educate and interest the innovative machine builders and control engineers who will follow in your footsteps.

On that last point, readers of both our print and online version have shown that they are passionate—concerned about science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, and excited about building new opportunities for the next generation.

We share your concern and enthusiasm, and so have created this newest forum for devoted to discussion of STEM issues: "STEM to the Core." In this space, we will share what we hear from the industry about the latest initiatives in STEM education and workforce development, and we'll give our perspective on what they mean for the industry.

We’ll hope you’ll join us as well, sharing your own viewpoints, concerns, ideas and initiatives with the rest of the community. Chime in now, and let us know what you’re up to.

To get the ball rolling, here are some of our recent columns and discussions on the STEM subject:

Do any of the points made here ring true for you? Or do people have it wrong? Let us know.

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