Product Research Study: Early Returns

Feb. 15, 2012

We're about to close the study, so if you had intentions to add your voice, tempus fugit, folks, and a carpe diem for good measure. But here's an interesting preliminary result for those of you who've participated. The rest of you, avert your eyes.

We're about to close the study, so if you had intentions to add your voice, tempus fugit, folks, and a carpe diem for good measure. But here's an interesting preliminary result for those of you who've participated. The rest of you, avert your eyes.

Around 57% of you say you've changed suppliers for at least one significant automation component in the past year.  I find that to be a remarkably high percentage, but it's a consistent finding every time we ask the question.  Now, about 1 in every 8 say they switched because of customer insistence. I get that. But every year about 3 in 10 of you say you're switching because of price. I didn't think there was that much volatility. And I'd think that can create other problems for you.

Can some of you add a little depth of understanding to this?

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