Do You Plan to Improve Your Efficiency Plans?

Feb. 1, 2012
In December I talked about my New Year resolutions for 2012 (see "A New Resolution") The new year just started, but I can say that I'm off to a great start. I said I wanted to improve my cybersecurity, sustainability and efficiency knowledge, and during the past 30 days I've been able to stick to my plan. You can read my Feb. 2012 column "Resolutions So Far" to learn more about my accomplished resolutions, but now I wonder if you set up similar resolutions for this year, and if you are succeeding as well. Chime in and let me know if you plan to improve your efficiency plans this year. Do you have green goals to accomplish?
In December I talked about my New Year resolutions for 2012 (see "A New Resolution") The new year just started, but I can say that I'm off to a great start. I said I wanted to improve my cybersecurity, sustainability and efficiency knowledge, and during the past 30 days I've been able to stick to my plan. You can read my Feb. 2012 column "Resolutions So Far" to learn more about my accomplished resolutions, but now I wonder if you set up similar resolutions for this year, and if you are succeeding as well. Chime in and let me know if you plan to improve your efficiency plans this year. Do you have green goals to accomplish?

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