Are There Any Savings by Switching to Machine-Mount I/O?

Feb. 10, 2011

We're contemplating a switch to machine-mount I/O from cabinet-mount I/O for some areas of our larger printing presses. We know that machine-mount I/O is more expensive, but we think we can make up some of the difference because we won’t have to design, purchase and install remote I/O cabinets. Are there any other savings from using machine-mount I/O as opposed to conventional cabinet-mount I/O? Are there any safety or other issues that we should be aware of before we make the switch?

We're contemplating a switch to machine-mount I/O from cabinet-mount I/O for some areas of our larger printing presses. We know that machine-mount I/O is more expensive, but we think we can make up some of the difference because we won’t have to design, purchase and install remote I/O cabinets. Are there any other savings from using machine-mount I/O as opposed to conventional cabinet-mount I/O? Are there any safety or other issues that we should be aware of before we make the switch?

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