Would You Be Happier With a Little Extra Cash?

Dec. 2, 2010

With money, we can buy many things that make us happy, such as food, entertainment, cars, homes, jewelry, electronic devices and much more. Money still doesn't buy love, but some believe that it can lure it to you - at least for a while. When it comes to our jobs/professions, sometimes we wish we could get paid a bit - or a lot - more. If you are not satisfied at your current job, would earning more money and keeping the same position buy you happiness? Let us know.

With money, we can buy many things that make us happy, such as food, entertainment, cars, homes, jewelry, electronic devices and much more. Money still doesn't buy love, but some believe that it can lure it to you - at least for a while. When it comes to our jobs/professions, sometimes we wish we could get paid a bit - or a lot - more. If you are not satisfied at your current job, would earning more money and keeping the same position buy you happiness? Let us know.

We asked our readers this same question, and you can read 2010 Salary Survey Results to find out what they said.

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