Real Answers 2009: November's Problem

Sept. 15, 2009

Customers in our industry traditionally insisted on multiple-light, audible-horn, annunciator-type panels for alarming and operator notification. We want to move forward with up-to-date HMI touchscreens and to incorporate alarming and important operating notifications there. We'd like this to be part of the normal HMI configuration with screens that look as much like the old annunciator boards as possible. What are some possibilities?

Customers in our industry traditionally insisted on multiple-light, audible-horn, annunciator-type panels for alarming and operator notification. We want to move forward with up-to-date HMI touchscreens and to incorporate alarming and important operating notifications there. We'd like this to be part of the normal HMI configuration with screens that look as much like the old annunciator boards as possible. What are some possibilities?

SEND US YOUR COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS OR SOLUTIONS FOR THIS PROBLEM. We'll include it in the November '09 issue, and post it on Send visuals if you'd like—a sketch is fine. Email us at [email protected]. Please include your company, location and title in the response.

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