
April 9, 2009

Our industry has been hearing for years that wireless I/O and sensors are the next big thing, but adoption has been slow for two reasons.

One is the natural caution that engineers rightly feel when considering any new technical solution. This inertia should be overcome in time as the technology advances and improves.

The second reason is money. Wireless won’t enter the mainstream of widespread use in machine automation applications unless the technology can offer significant savings.

Our industry has been hearing for years that wireless I/O and sensors are the next big thing, but adoption has been slow for two reasons.

One is the natural caution that engineers rightly feel when considering any new technical solution. This inertia should be overcome in time as the technology advances and improves.

The second reason is money. Wireless won’t enter the mainstream of widespread use in machine automation applications unless the technology can offer significant savings.

Has your company implemented wireless and saved money? Do you see any of your applications where wireless could cut costs?

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