
Allied Electronics adds TB Wood’s products, expands into power transmission

Aug. 13, 2019
The company has signed a distribution agreement with the manufacturer of highly engineered industrial couplings and belted drive solutions

Allied Electronics & Automation has signed a distribution agreement with TB Wood’s, a manufacturer of highly engineered industrial couplings and belted drive solutions. It now offers more than 250 TB Wood's products.

"With the addition of TB Wood’s to our product portfolio, Allied expands into the power transmission category with a unique offering that gives us a competitive edge," said Will Morris, Allied product portfolio manager. "TB Wood’s products complement the peripheral products we already carry, such as motors, actuators, HVAC products, and encoders. The quality name TB Wood’s indicates to customers that Allied is a trusted source for power transmission products."

Allied now carries TB Wood’s range of high-performance belted drive solutions, including V-belt sheaves, synchronous sprockets, made-to-order sheaves, belted mechanical variable speed drives, belts and bushings. The TB Wood’s brands, like Sure-Flex and Dura-Flex elastomeric couplings, Form-Flex disc couplings, G-Flex grid couplings and Jaw couplings, represent the latest in coupling technology.

"We are excited to introduce this large stock offering of mechanical power transmission," said Morris. "We intend to capitalize on today’s robust market for these types of products and look forward to offering them to our current and future automation and control customers."

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