Intellyk partners with UiPath on robotic process automation solutions

May 31, 2019
According to the companies, this partnership will allow both companies the ability to deliver automation solutions to their customers

Intellyk, a technology consulting firm headquartered in Piscataway, New Jersey has formed a partnership with UiPath, a leading enterprise Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software company.

According to the companies, this partnership will allow both companies the ability to deliver automation solutions to their customers. This technology enables companies to improve the productivity and consistency of their repetitive manual processes.

"By partnering with UiPath, Intellyk Inc will help customers automate manual work that will result into increased compliance, operational efficiency, cost savings and increased ROI," said Vineet Kumar CEO at Intellyk. "Intellyk Inc will focus on automation of tasks – including Customer support, HR, IT Operations, Compliance, Accounting, Finance, etc – with optimal agility. By delegating these processes to a virtual digital workforce of software robots, company employees will be able to focus on more strategic, high value and customer-facing initiatives. We are excited to formalize our partnership with UiPath, who offers a market-proven platform for automation that is very capable, flexible and scalable. UiPath and Intellyk Inc share a common goal of increasing level of automation for business which allows them to have improved business outcomes, employee experiences and customer satisfaction. This makes UiPath a natural choice of partner for Intellyk Inc in its Digital Services."

As a UiPath partner, Intellyk will work with customers for adoption of RPA. UiPath was recently ranked 26th on Deloitte's Technology Fast 500.

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