
KEB America facility receives ISO 9001:2015 certification

May 31, 2018
The organization had previously been certified under 9001:2008

KEB America announces the ISO 9001:2015 certification of its Shakopee, Minnesota production facility. The certification, which came into effect January 2018, was issued after the facility met the criteria set by the International Organization for Standards and passed an audit, displaying zero non-conformities to the standard. KEB America had previously been certified under 9001:2008.

The standard ISO 9001:2015 applies to a facility’s quality management and quality assurance systems. The 2015 standard is similar to the previous standard, with an additional focus on risk management.

“By gaining ISO certification our customers can see that we have been audited to a strong standard and rest assured that we have robust processes in place to deal with all current and future quality and business challenges,” said Samuel Literski, quality assurance manager at KEB America. “We will work closely with the customer, take into account all requirements of the application, and output a high quality product with high quality service.”

The 9000 family of ISO standards – the standards applying to quality assurance management – are some of the most well-known and widely used standards. They can be applied to any size organization and provide useful tools to fostering better business practices. ISO 9001 outlines the criteria an organization must meet to have an ISO certified quality management system.

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