Güdel-TSC becomes first A3 Mexico Automation Trade Association member

April 3, 2018
The global manufacturer of linear motion modules, robot track motion units and gantry robots and components is joining the global nonprofit that supports and promotes the benefits of automation

Güdel-TSC, based in Monterrey, Mexico, will become the first member of A3 Mexico. 

The global manufacturer of linear motion modules, robot track motion units and gantry robots and components is joining global nonprofit the Association for Advancing Automation, or A3. The organization supports and promotes the benefits of automation. Representing more than 1,000 automation company members, A3 includes the Robotic Industries Association (RIA), Advancing Vision + Imaging (AIA) and Motion Control & Motor Association (MCMA). A3 Mexico is dedicated to nurturing the quickly growing automation industry in Mexico.

“We are very excited about the recent launch of A3 Mexico and honored for Güdel to be the first member,” said Mariano Garcia Treviño, managing director of Güdel-TSC. “These are very important times for the automation industry. A lot of transformation is happening together, and there has been an expansion of market opportunities. The growth of the Mexican automation market will be one of the key players for years to come. We believe A3 Mexico will play a very important role in its development.”

A3 Mexico is meant to be a networking destination that will encourage interaction among inventors, entrepreneurs, students, industry analysts, scientists and journalists.

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