
Balluff hosts third Manufacturing Day

Oct. 13, 2017
The company opened its doors on Oct. 6 to students and community members to learn first-hand about modern manufacturing

Balluff hosted its third annual Manufacturing Day event on Friday, Oct. 6 where more than 120 students and local community members attended the event to learn about modern manufacturing and automation. 

Visitors were able to take part in hands-on activities and games involving Balluff sensors to learn how they work and to experience how automation aims to improve manufacturing outcomes. In addition, guests participated in tours of the facility to see how lean process improvements and automation work. Students were also given the opportunity to meet with local schools and universities to learn about STEM programs and manufacturing apprenticeships in the area. 

"Our A.M. Yealey Elementary 5th graders had a great time learning about the world of manufacturing today, and their visit has already sparked some wonderful conversations about STEM careers," said Erica Ashcraft, who attended with students from Yealey Elementary. 

"Manufacturing Day is definitely a service to the community," said Suzy VanDyke . "My son enjoyed the hands on opportunities, and I was interested to learn of the apprentice programs in the area."

Manufacturing Day has become a national collective effort for manufacturers, employers, and educators to open their doors and demonstrate modern manufacturing technology.

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