Applications for GACC Awards 2017 open

June 1, 2017
The German American Chamber of Commerce will honor achievements in German-American business in such categories as digitalization, innovation and service

Award applications for this year's German American Chambers of Commerce (GACC) Awards are now open. For the first time, GACC will honor excellence in digitalization.

The GACC Awards will be presented at the GACC Awards Gala on Oct. 13 in Chicago, IL by the GACC to honor achievements in German-American business.  

The 2017 award categories are Excellence in Digitalization AwardExcellence in Innovation Award and Excellence in Services Award.

Those in attendance at the GACC Awards Gala will be given the opportunity to present the company and its innovative idea at the ceremony with more than 250 executives in attendance. Winners also receive one complementary ticket or a 20 percent rebate on a full or half table reservation while applicants receive a 10 percent rebate. Winners also will receive nationwide recognition across GACC's print and online channels as well as an announcement to the German media.

Applications close Jul. 31.

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