
Canadian ambassador visits B&R

May 4, 2017
Canadian Ambassador to Austria Mark Bailey met with B&R managing director Hans Wimmer

Canadian Ambassador Mark Bailey (3rd from left), after touring B&R together with embassy counselor Simon-Pierre Rhéaume (left) guided by managing director Hans Wimmer (2nd from left) and sales manager Christian Kastinger (right). (Source: B&R)

Canadian Ambassador to Austria Mark Bailey met with B&R managing director Hans Wimmer to tour B&R's smart manufacturing operations. According to B&R, Bailey learned about its latest products and other factors that have contributed to its growth. B&R is a partner for Canadian machine builders in industries ranging from packaging and plastics to special-purpose machinery.

"Our highly qualified team of support, development and sales engineers accompany our customers through every step – from conceptual design to software implementation and even intelligent service concepts," said Christian Kastinger, who oversees B&R's sales activities in North America. "With our offices in Toronto and Montreal, we are close to our customers in the hotbeds of Canadian machine building."

"What I've seen here at B&R has been very impressive," said Bailey. "Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT are the talk of global industry, and here in these ultra-modern facilities you can experience them in action." 

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