Mouser Electronics names femtosatellite launcher first winner of I.S.S. design challenge

Dec. 4, 2016
Andy Filo-designed device launches satellites about the size of a postage stamp.

Mouser Electronics Inc. announced the winner for the International Space Station (I.S.S.) Design Challenge, a global contest that was open to the public, calling for engineers and makers of all levels to create a useful object for astronauts that could be printed aboard the I.S.S.

The winner, Andy Filo, created a device that launches femtosatellites, tiny satellites about the size of a postage stamp. Made In Space, an additive manufacturing technology company with expertise in space environments, will 3D-print the winning design.

The challenge is one of several series in Mouser’s Empowering Innovation Together program, which features the newly developed Innovation Lab for new projects ranging from bringing super hero technology to life to 3D-printing a semi-autonomous car with drone technology.

Mouser suppliers Amphenol and Intel co-sponsored the design challenge. Mouser also partnered with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Made In Space, along with Hackster and MacroFab.

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