Calmark and Birtcher Brands Are Now Both Integrated With Schroff

June 3, 2014
Pentair, a global business unit of Pentair Ltd announced May 20, 2014 that the Calmark and Birtcher products have been rebranded and integrated into its Schroff brand.

Pentair, a global business unit of Pentair Ltd announced May 20, 2014 that the Calmark and Birtcher products have been rebranded and integrated into its Schroff brand. 

Schroff has been a world leader in electronics packaging design and fabrication since 1962. 

The company offers a wide range of innovative and high-quality standard products including 19" cabinets, subracks, cases, backplanes, motherboards and microcomputer systems.

Schroff became part of Pentair Technical Solutions in 1994.

Product engineering, program management, customer service and manufacturing will continue to be located in San Diego, California. Customers can expect to receive the same level of product quality, customer service and support.

For additional information, please contact: [email protected] or call 1-800-854-7086.

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