
Study Closing Soon! Don't Miss Your Chance to Own a Microsoft Surface

Jan. 27, 2014
Check your email account for your invitation to participate in our product research and problem solving survey.

We're conducting our annual study that provides a helpful look at methods and online tools machine builders are using for product research and problem solving. These processes have been changing due to technology advances and accessibility, and we want to characterize those changes by what you have to say.

As some measure of our appreciation, we're giving away Microsoft Surfaces via a drawing you can enter after completing the questionnaire. The number of prizes awarded will depend on the number of completed questionnaires, so if that's an additional incentive to you to participate, we're all for it.

Check your email account for your invitation to participate in our product research and problem solving survey. We know you're busy, but we're asking you to participate in the study. There are fewer questions this year. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

We'll publish the results in the March 2014 issue of Control Design and on

Participate in the survey.

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