
Millennial Generation Redesigns Manufacturing Industry

Nov. 4, 2013
ARC Advisory Group Reports on The Future of Manufacturing

As the "Baby Boomer" generation retires, the automation and manufacturing industry faces a mass exodus.

With each retiring Baby Boomer, the industry loses critical experience that is essential for its survival. Employers must look to Millennial workers who were born between 1981 and 2000 to replenish lost talent.

The Millennial generation is tech-savvy and represents the future of the manufacturing workforce. Through this shift, the industry has begun looking into new strategies that attract, develop and retain these workers.

A report from ARC Advisory Group says it is important to recognize the diversification of their talent pool, not only in terms of age but by focusing on how they solve problems, use technology and view their career path. Once these difference are understood, employers can begin to design a successful process, training and additional programs for long-term success.

Read the full report at ARC Advisory Group.

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