Fieldbus Foundation Issues Specs for Transducer Blocks for ISA100 Wireless Devices

Oct. 31, 2013
New Specification Enables End Users to Interface ISA100.11a Devices for Better Integration With a Control System or With Foundation Devices

The Fieldbus Foundation issued a preliminary specification for transducer blocks supporting ISA100.11a wireless devices. According to the Fieldbus Foundation News, "As part of the Foundation for Remote Operations Management (ROM) solution implementing wireless and remote I/O, the new technical specification defines a fieldbus transducer block used within Foundation for ROM devices to communicate with ISA100.11a instruments." In addition, it describes the method for configuring tools and asset-managing hosts to access ISA100.11a devices, and structures to identify and maintain device status in ISA100.11a networks connected to Foundation for ROM devices.

The foundation says the new transducer block specification will enable automation end users to interface ISA100.11a devices to Foundation fieldbus for better integration with a control system or with Foundation devices. The technology is said to support a networked method for asset-managing hosts to access an installed base of ISA100.11a devices for configuration and maintenance purposes.

"The recent announcement and development by the Fieldbus Foundation further validates the object-based approach of ISA100 Wireless," said Andre Ristaino, managing director, ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute. "We are thrilled to see the specification released. Users will benefit from the added integration between ISA100 Wireless and Fieldbus Foundation technology."

The ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute (ISA100 WCI) is a non-profit industry organization that provides users and developers with market awareness, educational information, technical support and compliance testing for the ISA100 family of standards. 

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